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We're all about Offering Hope.


We want to introduce people to Christ and help them find answers to their questions, to help them to grow in their relationship with Christ and discover their life's purpose, and to equip and encourage them to "be" Christ to others in meeting the needs of others around us.


We are committed to fulfilling God's purpose for this church by being ...


... a church where everyone is loved and accepted for who they are, no matter who they are!  Where Christian and non-Christian know they belong and are loved and accepted because they are made in the image of God!


... a church that actively and intentionally shares the good news of Jesus Christ, so people can find God whether they are rich, poor, straight, gay, popular, lonely, outcast, disabled, needy or whatever!  Where there are changed lives; a constant process of people connecting, learning, believing, and leading others on the same path.


... a church where God's holiness is communicated by the way we live - without a judgmental attitude or spiritual arrogance.  Where people are passionate about God and people grow up with a positive peer pressure for God, thinking full devotion to God is the norm, because it is!


... a church that reflects the racial diversity of the city we live in - people of different cultures falling in love with God together, growing together, discovering and using their spiritual gifts together, and doing life together as brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ!


... a church with an outward focus that is genuinely impacting it's community, whose facilities are a central hub in the neighborhood because of the community activities run there; a church that works with likeminded believers and churches regardless of labels and denominations, understanding that the church is a worldwide fellowship of one universal family.


... a church with a global perspective, changing lives around the world by going ourselves and through partnering with indigenous local churches and believers, impacting the world by replicating ourselves globally.



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